Dr. Ranvir Pahwa is an Ayurveda Practitioner. He is studying and practicing Ayurveda for the last 36 yrs, in addition to Homeopathy, Nutrition and Western Herbal medicine and Acupuncture. He comes from Ayurveda Practitioner's family
Dr. Pahwa has obtained more than required education in the Ayurveda. He has also completed advanced Ayurveda programs, for example: Ayurvedic Practitioner Diploma Marma Chikitsa and Marma Therapy Advanced Ayurvedic Herbology Clinical Aspects of Chronic Diseases in Ayurvedic Medicine Ayurvedic Medicine and its Preparation and Administration Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology
He has completed medical and human health sciences subjects that are: Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Cytology, Molecular Genetics, Differential diagnosis, Blood and Urine Chemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology, Toxicology, Natural products (Pharmacognosy), Metabolic Transformation of Xenobiotics (drug metabolism), Embryology, Radiological Analyses, Nutritional Toxicology, Subclinical Toxicology (immunology), Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis.
Naturopathic Practices, Functional Medicine, Gastroenterology and Colon Therapy, Cellular nutrition/Oligo & Trace Element, Women’s Health and Gynecology, Naturopathic History and Practice, Naturopathic Practice I, Longevity and Antiaging, Naturopathic Pediatrics, Naturopathic Psychiatry, Physiotherapeutic Modalities, Iridology, Blood Chemistry and Urine Analysis, Radiological Analysis, Embryology, Business Practice/Office Management and Clinical Externship