NEUROLOGICAL AND PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS Sometimes neurological health problems can be very disabling. More so difficult to treat. For example disorders like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and stroke paralysis are incurable when they become chronic. The medications could not provide satisfactory result either due to unpredictable or non-significant efficacy or the adverse effects and toxic effects.
Western medicine can help somatic disorders such as migraine, tension headache and trigeminal (cranial nerve) neuralgia through the use of medications, however, considerable number of patients do not achieve adequate pain control and affected by the side effects of the drugs.
In spite of successes in the modern diagnostics for the neurological disorders still there are failures and unsuccessfulness in the therapies. Acupuncture that has been in practice since 200AD may help to resolve some of the neurological disorders without the use of drugs and sides effects.
Some acupuncturist with the knowledge of anatomy and physiology and with modern scientific approaches are able to treat these diseases successfully.
The approaches are Scalp acupuncture and the Body acupuncture or use of both for the same disorder.