We assess health by reading Nails, Pulse, Tongue and Iris (Iridology); we check the body color, do face reading, check reflexes, palpate acupuncture/acupressure and Marma points on the body, hands and feet; palpate channels, and check blockages. We use medical intuition also.
Patient’s Dosha (Prakriti) and vitiation in Dosha (Vikriti) is determined, as well as mental nature (Prakriti) is also determined. In addition, Dhatus are checked.
Additionally, Dr Pahwa uses holistic methods of testing (Kinesiology or Muscle Response Test) of chemicals, metals, wood, dust, various foods and fluids, herbs biochemicals and supplements for compatibilities.
Our focus is on whole health improvement.
Recommendations for the balance of the Body, Mind and Spirit balance
After assessing health, we recommend individualized food, diet and nutritional program, with the emphasis on Dos and Don'ts and prevention.
We introduce Ayurvedic way of healing to our patients
Based on history and health assessment patient are strategically recommended herbs and supplements.
As needed patients are recommended cleansing herbs for organs.
Rasayana Herbs and therapies are recommended for the rejuvenation.
Patient is also recommended Prayanayam (breathing exercises), Mediation (individualized meditation) and Yoga Exercises.
For Joint problems Ayurvedic Basti methods are done.
Marma Point therapy: Marma points are more than 107 Ayurvedic acupressure points mentioned by Ayurvedic Seer Sushruta. It is an Ayurvedic therapy, where these points are treated (rubbed or pressed) to open Srota (channel) blockages and heal structural, functional and emotional aspects by moving the Prana (circulation force) in the body. It uses a gentle finger pressure. Various Aromatherapy products, herbal oils and creams can be used to do therapy on Marma points. As well as crystal and polarity therapy is also applied through Marma points to balance the body. These points are also used in Ayurvedic Facials. There are over 100 Marma points on the body. Many of them coincide with the acupuncture points.
Crystal and Gem therapies, Sound therapy and Mantra meditation are also recommended for healing purposes
Stone Therapy: The heated or cold stone are placed on the acupressure points, and on meridians/channels. They are rubbed to remove blockages, and to facilitate the Chi and Prana to move freely and heal certain health problems such as pain.