Laser Acupuncture and Therapy Laser Acupuncture is a form of Laser Therapy that treats the site of injury and/or pain, as well as whole body.
LASERis an acronym forLight Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.Laser acupuncture is an important field of study within photobiology.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) USA defined LASER ACUPUNCTURE as: the use of low-level laser beam (also known as Cold Laser, because they do not produce heat) instead of an ACUPUNCTURE NEEDLE to stimulate an acupuncture point. Hot lasers are used in surgery.
Analgesic- Laser mitigates pain.
Anti-inflammatory– Laser reduces inflammation of joints.
Vasodilation– Laser encourages temporary vasodilation (dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow to damaged tissues).
Accelerates wound healing – Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
Nerve function regeneration – Nerve function recovery in damaged tissue is slower than usual and can result in numbness (no feeling). Laser therapy accelerates the process of nerve cell reconnection and can bring the insensitive area back to life.
Reduces scar formation – Laser therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns or post-surgery.
French and German Auricular (Ear) Medicine and LASER/ Acupuncture therapy
Dr. Nogier’s Vascular Autonomic Signal (VAS) for the Point diagnosis and treatment
The ear holds dense and specific map of the human body
LASER therapy on the body points
Trigger point LASER therapy
LASER can be used along with needles
MECHANISM OF LASER THERAPY Laser Therapy restores health by injecting photons of visible and/or invisible laser light deep into the body tissue. Tissues contain protein strands called cytochromes and chromosphores that are found in the mitochondria (the cell organelle) that absorb Laser energy and transform it into chemical energy of the cell. This chemical energy is utilized by the body tissue and in turn significantly accelerates the healing process and reduces pain naturally. WHAT IT TREATS? Research on Laser therapy is continuously going on. However, it has been observed that Laser acupuncture is effective for headaches, migraines, nausea, neck pain, tennis elbow, carpe tunnel syndrome, TMJ, improves embryo transfer in ART, foot pain, gout pain, various kinds oftendonitis- Achilles tendon, planter fasciitis; arthritis- wrist, cervical spine, lumbar spine, hip, knee, ankle and more........... ADVANTAGES OF LASER ACUPUNCTURE
Laser therapy is painless, and extremely safe.
Non-Invasive, because there are no needles penetrating the skin, therefore, zero risk of infection.
Laser therapy takes less time.
Healing is quick and eradicates pain.
It treats the entire body, not just spot problems.
Laser therapy restores normality.
Laser therapy increases the immunity.
Laser therapy may reduce the need for surgery.
Laser therapy is safer for children, teenagers and adults who have fear (phobia) of needles.